Property file {de,en}cryption

  1. Prior to early 2019 the client and client-direct components were able to use Jasypt encryption but since that time some dependency library updating for security purposes has meant that with Spring v.5 it was no longer possible (or rather, with there being no Jasypt activity since 2014 it was decided not to continue using it).

  2. Download and unpack (current version is 1.9.2) and run the relevant bin directory .bat or .sh scripts. (AP-Portal uses the org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.StandardPBEStringEncryptor class, as do the scripts). input=<property file value> password=<jasypt encrypting pwd>

    e.g. ./ input=fish password=chips.

    Note: You may prefer the above command containing your password not to appear in your shell history, in which case various techniques are available, e.g. check stackoverflow.

  3. The output generated then needs to be placed into the relevant .properties file, e.g.

    Sample output…

    input: fish
    password: chips

    … is placed into a
  4. <jasypt encrypting pwd> needs to be assigned to the environment variable JASYPT_PWD prior to the component being started, e.g. a component’s start file may look something like:

    export JASYPT_PWD=chips
    ./bin/ start