
The instructions below are for a version of Tomcat which by the time you read this may have security issues!


Tomcat’s website is here

Example install


Other servlet containers can be used - there’s nothing Tomcat-specific in the codebase, but alternatives haven’t been tested.

  1. Estimated time to build : 2 minutes.
  2. Desired structure : Similar (eventually) to the following, based on the “Advanced Configuration - Multiple Tomcat Instances” section of this document.
             |          +------/app-manager -> ../vhosts/app-manager
             |          +------/app-manager.env
             |          +------/bin/
             |          |        +-/
             |          +------/client -> ../vhosts/client
             |          +------/client.env
             |          +------/client-direct -> ../vhosts/client-direct
             |          +------/client-direct.env
             |          +------/host.pkcs12
             |          +------/lib/catalina.jar
             |          |        +-/servlet-api.jar
             |          |        +-/tomcat7-websocket.jar
             |          +------/
             |          +------/logs/
             |          +------/
             |          +------/procdir/
             |          +------/README.openssl
             |          +------/
             |          +------/
             |          +------/secure.env
             |          +------/
             |          +------/trustedkeystore.jks
                     |         +----/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
                     |         +----/conf
                     |         |       +-/Catalina/
                     |         |       +-/server.xml
                     |         +----/host.pkcs12 -> ../../CATALINA_HOME/host.pkcs12
                     |         +----/lib/
                     |         +----/trustedkeystore.jks -> ../../CATALINA_HOME/trustedkeystore.jks
                     |         +----/webapps/
                     |      +--/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
  1. cd <any empty temporary directory>
  2. Download Tomcat install scripts, retaining directory structure.
  3. Run <tomcat source code> <tomcat destination> <tomcat version>
    e.g. /apps/src/apache-tomcat-7.0.56 /apps/tomcat 7.0.56
  4. cd <tomcat destination>/CATALINA_HOME and follow instructions in README.openssl