
client-shared is some of the shared operations and configurations between the client and client-direct components.

See options for customisable User Authentication and Authorisation.

See options for customisable user registration.


  • Maven (build)
  • Java 7 8 [1] or higher (build, deploy)

Initial installation

Download the project source and go to this component’s root directory (i.e. client-shared) and follow the steps below.

  • Either …
  • … or …
  1. [ T ] Copy sample.pom.xml to pom.xml
  2. [ T ] Copy src/main/resources/META-INF/data/spring-security/local/sample.users.sql to src/main/resources/META-INF/data/spring-security/local/users.sql
  3. [ T ] Copy src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/resources/css/site/sample.client-shared-site.css to src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/resources/css/site/client-shared-site.css
  4. [ T ] Copy src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/WEB-INF/spring/ctx/config/sample.appCtx.features.xml to src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/WEB-INF/spring/ctx/config/appCtx.features.xml
  5. [ T ] Copy src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/WEB-INF/tiles/layout/common/sample.logo.jsp to src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/WEB-INF/tiles/layout/common/logo.jsp
  6. [ T ] Copy src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/WEB-INF/tiles/layout/common/sample.logout.jsp to src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/WEB-INF/tiles/layout/common/logout.jsp
  7. [ T ] Copy src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/WEB-INF/tiles/layout/contact/ to src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/WEB-INF/tiles/layout/contact/contact.jsp
  8. [ S ] Copy src/main/resources/WEB-INF/spring/authn/sample.appCtx.bespoke.xml to src/main/resources/WEB-INF/spring/authn/appCtx.bespoke.xml
  9. [ S ] Copy src/main/resources/WEB-INF/spring/authn/sample.appCtx.sitePreauthFilter.xml to src/main/resources/WEB-INF/spring/authn/appCtx.sitePreauthFilter.xml
  10. [ S ] Copy src/main/resources/WEB-INF/spring/ to src/main/resources/WEB-INF/spring/
  11. [ T ] Copy src/properties/ to src/properties/
  • … finally
  1. Edit each of the copied files according to your desired configuration.



It may necessary in some circumstances, e.g. if there is site-specific access control code being overlayed into the client src/main/java directory, or if using a MySQL driver, to adapt the pom.xml file for Maven-building the component.


Adjust this according to your expected usage requirements :

  • If you are using a local client- and/or client-direct-specific “prepopulated user authentication” mechanism for authentication and authorisation, this file is required.
    Please also check the following Note.
  • If you are using a “bespoke user authentication” mechanism then this file is not required.


If there is a new registration request the requesting user’s details are not automatically written to the user database.
New users must be manually added to this users.sql file and the system restarted – for this reason it is better to create a number of unissued usernames and passwords (commensurate with the total anticipated usage) and then distribute them to new registrations as they arrive.


Generally no change necessary.


Adjust the visibility of certain portal features (e.g. entering ion channel spread values) to certain groups of users as determined by their “Role”.


Generally no change necessary.

  • filterMultipartResolver controls the maximum file size which can be uploaded.
  • fileStorageCellML and fileStoragePK control the enforcement of UTF-8 encoding file content.

See also

src/properties/ for assignment of multipart.fileupload.maxinmemorysize and multipart.fileupload.maxuploadsize.

See also

MySQL’s max_allowed_packet, which may need to be set to perhaps 40Mb or more, depending on PK file data content size, and,


Adjust the HTML according to the desired appearance of the top-left of the page which is usually where the logo is found.

The example logo.jsp content below places the fictional company logo in the top left of the display by referencing the corresponding logo image placed in the src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/resources/img/site/ directory prior to build.

<%@taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<img src="<c:url value="/resources/img/site/company_logo.png" />" alt="Company logo" />


Adjust according to your logging out mechanism.


Adjust the HTML to provide contact details of the relevant people.

An example contact.jsp content may be as follows.

Click the following links to email support :

  Scientific support : <a href="">click here</a>
  Technical support : <a href="">click here</a>


Generally no change necessary.


Needs to be adjusted if adopting the “bespoke user authentication” mechanism.


Generally no change necessary.


See also

For the following email-related properties take a look at the JavaMail API documentation

New registration email mail server SMTP host, e.g. ‘’.


New registration email mail server port, e.g. ‘25’ or ‘587’.


Always assign an integer value here, even if no SMTP service is available.


New registration email mail server user name.


New registration email mail server user’s password.


New registration email “From” email address, e.g. ‘’.

New registration email “To” email address, e.g. ‘’.


New regisration email subject title, e.g. ‘New registration’.


New registration email mail transport protocol (see appCtx.mail.xml), e.g. ‘smtp’.


New registration email SMTP authentication required (see appCtx.mail.xml), e.g. (true|false).


New registration email SMTP connection timeout (i.e. time to respond once connected) in milliseconds (see appCtx.mail.xml), e.g. ‘2000’.


New registration email SMTP timeout (to establish a connection) in milliseconds (see appCtx.mail.xml), e.g. ‘2000’.


New registration email SMTP connection instruction to start TLS (see appCtx.mail.xml), e.g. (true|false).


New registration email SMTP connection instruction to start TLS (see appCtx.mail.xml), e.g. (true|false).


New registration email debugging switch (see appCtx.mail.xml), e.g. (true|false).


From the Spring docs :

Set the maximum allowed size (in bytes) before uploads are written to disk. Uploaded files will still be received past this amount, but they will not be stored in memory. Default is 10240, according to Commons FileUpload.

From the docs here :

Set the maximum allowed size (in bytes) before uploads are refused. -1 indicates no limit (the default).

Component log file location on disk, e.g. ‘logs/client-shared.log’.


Component log level, e.g. (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal).


Log level of code from other libraries, e.g. (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal).


Example build instructions :

cd <ap_predict_online>/client-shared
mvn clean install


This component when built should not be deployed into a servlet container, instead it is Maven-installed in the local Maven repository and then a subsequent build of client and/or client-direct retrieves the built files and uses them.


See Deploy

Start-up problems

See Deploy

Done that! What’s next?

Conventionally the next step, having built and Maven-installed client-shared, would be to build client and/or client-direct.
This is because both of client and client-direct are dependent on client-shared (and client-parent) and need to be kept in-sync.


[1]Since early 2019.