Java problems

This is probably most relevant with regard to Tomcat configuration.

Java has a number of performance and configuration options available which can be determined using sources such as the following

Java memory use / OutOfMemoryError

If this error appears in the process of log file analysis then it may be necessary to increase the amount of memory available to Java, perhaps using the JAVA_OPTS environment var (or CATALINA_OPTS if specifically for Tomcat), e.g. CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms1g -Xmx1g -Xss1g -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m".
Having said that, it has been noted by some commentators that increasing the available memory may simply obscure temporarily a deeper problem such as memory leaking.

Java memory use / PermGen

It looks like Maven site building may fail on Java 7 due to PermGen space issues in some circumstances. Java 8 runs fine.